Tell the Biden Administration: Juliana v. United States Needs To Go To Trial.

Contact the Biden Administration and the Department of Justice (DOJ) TODAY to ensure the DOJ hears America’s climate case, led by youth.

Juliana v. United States is America’s climate case—asserting that the U.S. government’s actions that knowingly cause climate change violate all of our constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property.

In nearly nine years, the DOJ has made twenty-two attempts to kill the case and silence the 21 Juliana youth plaintiffs. No other case in history has faced this kind of government persecution.

NOW, the Juliana youth have to fight to be heard once more and it’s on all of us to rally around them.

DOJ is pulling out extreme legal tactics by abusing “writ of mandamus” emergency government powers to obstruct the normal legal process and try to stop America’s youth from protecting all of our futures. Out of 40,000+ cases in front of the DOJ, these extreme legal tactics are only being used to single out one case: Juliana.

If the DOJ succeeds, the Juliana youth won’t be heard in open court. If we succeed, the youth will go to trial and they will win—and force the United States, the BIGGEST contributor to climate change in the world, to make systemic change and phase out fossil fuels.

Tell the Biden Administration and the DOJ: We demand the Juliana 21 be heard at trial.

Let Juliana v. United States Be Heard At Trial.